2012 Be Gone

It was just a couple of days into 2012 when I called my late friend, Karen King. After swapping a few stories about some unusually awkward moments, I said, "Wow Karen, I don't know what is going on, but I'm thinking that AWKWARD might just be the word of the year for 2012. She replied quickly with an "Oh Lord, it has to get better." But you know, it never really did....especially for dear Karen who passed away in September. Don't get me wrong, there were some wonderful things that happened in 2012. I always count my blessings! And I learned that the goodness of people outshines everything else. But the good had a hard time outweighing the bad...not just for me, but for a lot of people. I am pretty sure that I knew more people that went to be with our Heavenly Father in 2012 than in any other year of my life...and maybe even quite a few years combined. Our parish saw more funerals than it had for several years. Four women from our parish, incl...