Everything is Not Okay

One of my favorite television shows is Parenthood . For those of you who might be unfamiliar with the show, it is a wonderful drama which revolves around the three generations of the Braverman family; Zeek and Camille Braverman and their four children and eight grandchildren. I love how this show touches on so many different issues of being a parent as well as being a son or daughter, a sibling, or even an aunt or uncle. I feel like most families can probably relate to something going on in the Braverman family. In last week's episode, without any previews' warning, they slipped in breast cancer. In the last scene, as Christine is getting a mammogram, I knew immediately where they were going with this storyline. They played Naked As We Came by Iron and Wine as you watch Christine's reactions as her doctor gives her the bad news, and then as she tells her husband Adam. I have to say that...