Calling Team Lori...The Unexpected Turn in the Road

Just when you think things are going smoothly again, along comes the unexpected turn in the road. After switching treatments in November, the cancer on my bones was responding well to Kadcyla. It was a great relief because Kadcyla is a newer drug and is working effectively for many women. Less than two weeks ago, someone bumped my side. As I went to rub it, I was surprised to feel a lump in the lower outer area of my breast next to my implant. So last Tuesday, I got a CT Scan that showed a tumor measuring just under 2 centimeters. Last Friday, I had a biopsy, which happens to be a short story in itself. As the resident prepared to stick the needle in, I asked him how many breast biopsies he had performed. He replied, "You are my FIRST!" I thought, "Okay, well,...