Goals...Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond

I am not really one for making New Year's resolutions. I mean really, let's admit it, we aren't going to stick to those silly resolutions. We never do! We all want to lose weight, we all want to exercise more, we all want to eat healthier...blah, blah, blah.
I will be honest...I have more than enough moments where I grab some fast food, or gorge myself with cheesecake, or grab yet another 32 oz. gas station pop only because I am feeling sorry for myself.. because I "have cancer." Well boo-hoo Lori, that is just plain silly! But isn't that what we do, make excuses for unhealthy habits? What I have found for me is that the better I feel about myself, the more likely I am to take better care of myself.
So this year, I have decided to make some goals. Goals to help me feel better about myself and goals to stay healthy. I have started a list on my phone so it will give me pop-up reminders. The list is not complete, of course, because I think it needs to be ever changing. Some goals will be met, some goals may need modified, and new goals always need to be added. Here are a few of my goals I would like to share...
*Take a moment everyday to thank God for the blessings that breast cancer ended up giving me, and thank God for all of the people who have touched my life and prayed for me since my diagnosis.
*Joining Ann Curry in doing 26 random acts of kindness. Check out helpothers.org for great ideas!
*Become a volunteer for American Cancer Society's "Reach to Recovery" which is a peer support program where breast cancer survivors offer comfort and support to those who are coping with their diagnosis.

*Okay, okay...and only ONE Coke Zero a day! ONE!
I want to challenge you to make your own list of goals. Start small, see if it works for you.
AND whether you make a list or not...there are TWO very important goals I want all of you to make this year for yourself!
#1 Do monthly breast exams. Here are two websites to help you.
#2 Schedule your annual mammogram

We have to continue to not only educate each other but encourage each other to take care of ourselves.
Take care of yourself and have a happy and flourishing 2013!
Enjoy the special moments!!
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