The Thought of Losing My Hair

As I continue to wait to see if and when my hair is going to fall out, I ran across this really interesting booklet on the internet that I am I really excited to share with you!
"I Couldn't Stand the Thought of Losing My Hair" Edited by Kathleen Avegno Bonie, Ph.D. and Kirsten York Harrell, Psy.D.
In this booklet, 84 courageous women share their strength, their pain, their humor, and most importantly their feelings as they dealt with hair loss from chemo.
I wanted to share this with you for a couple reasons. First of all, I think that many times, when a loved one or a friend is beginning a battle with cancer, chemo, and hair loss...we are lost for words to say. We want to say the right thing, something that is going to make someone feel better. This booklet shares helpful as well as hurtful reactions to the hair loss of others. It really gives you a deep look into the how these women felt.
I am also hoping that you will please share this booklet with anyone who may be starting chemo and new realization that their hair is going to fall out. As I read through this, I realized, like with most things in life, we all react to hair loss differently. It was so gratifying to read comments from women that legitimized my feelings. When you are on the cancer roller coaster, so often, your feelings become overwhelming and confusing. To read the words of other women who have felt the way you feel is so relieving. Even with a huge support team around you...because you are the one fighting the battle, there are days you feel alone. That loneliness fades for me as I remember that there are thousands of women out there walking in my shoes.
So I thank these 84 women from around the country for sharing the encouragement that reminds me, I'm not the only one going through this. I thank them for a new gift of strength they have given me. My hope is that I can help others in the same way some day. The joy comes from the continued support around me. And the laughter has to just keep coming!
Link to booklet'

Hope, Joy and Laughter...
carry them with you wherever you go!
Thanks Katie of Cherished Memories for such a great photo session!
Prayers from Poppa John