My New Favorite Word, Stable
Although this was definitely a week full of anxiety... the week turned out to be full of blessings!
Wednesday, my doctor confirmed that it was indeed a good scan. She said that we like to see the word stable on these reports. So stable I shall be! This is good to know because, I don't know if you have ever tried to read a radiology report, but they full of terminology that we do not use...ever. So for you other patients out there like me, who cannot wait the two days for your appointment without looking at the report, the Living Beyond Breast Cancer website does provide a glossary of terms that may help define some of those wacky terms.
After receiving my relieving news of stability, my friend, Becky, and I went to spend some quality time together in the infusion area while getting treatment #10. After, we hurried on to my next appointment with my new plastic surgeon. My first plastic surgeon left the network. Therefore, I am now seeing Dr. Juan Socas, who, Becky would be happy to tell you, is a quite handsome young doctor from Argentina. This was just a routine yearly implant exam. I can't believe it has already been two years since my double mastectomy.
All in all, a good day, a dear friend, and terrific news!

In April, I am planning to attend the Women Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer conference in Philadelphia. I am so thankful for this me a chance to connect with other women who share this disease.
When I registered, they were accepting applications for the Hear My Voice Outreach Program. A couple of days ago, I found out that I was selected for this program. I also received a travel grant to go to the conference plus the full day Hear My Voice training. I am super excited for this adventure to please say prayers for me, that this will be a safe trip, providing support and knowledge to help me continue my journey.
Next blog...I will introduce you to my new friend, Portia.
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