Moving Forward with my Third Line of Treatment

So this came in the mail yesterday. Looks a little scary but boy, was I happy to see it! It has been more weeks than I would like without a treatment. I was attempting to get in a clinical trial for a new drug; however, I was not able to be accepted right now, so my oncologist and I chose a different line of treatment. The treatment plan consists of two drugs. I will be getting a Herceptin infusion every three weeks. Then I will also be taking Xeloda, these lovely pills in the picture. I will be taking four after breakfast and four after supper...14 days on, then 7 days off...continuing this for as long as it works. We will have a scan in about five weeks to make sure it is doing its job! While doing all the necessary scans in applying for the clinical trial, we found two more progressing spots on my ribs. I had a feeling there were new spots because of the new pain that I had been experiencing. It has...