Moving Forward with my Third Line of Treatment

The treatment plan consists of two drugs. I will be getting a Herceptin infusion every three weeks. Then I will also be taking Xeloda, these lovely pills in the picture. I will be taking four after breakfast and four after supper...14 days on, then 7 days off...continuing this for as long as it works. We will have a scan in about five weeks to make sure it is doing its job!
While doing all the necessary scans in applying for the clinical trial, we found two more progressing spots on my ribs. I had a feeling there were new spots because of the new pain that I had been experiencing.
It has been a very stressful and worrisome few weeks. So please say a prayer for me that this new line of treatment is going to work!
Definitely a little break from the craziness that I was needing.
Lori, nearly 3 weeks into your new meds, I continue to lift you in prayer every day, think of you often, and let my gratitude rise for the many ways you continue to let your courage show. On this 9/11, I count you as one of the "first responders" in the world I know, for MBC awareness. Blessings as you continue to face up to, and face down this ravaging disease.
ReplyDeleteHi Lori,
ReplyDeleteI found your Blog through another MBC facebook friend, and was just perusing your posts over these years of BC. I'm a bit older, actually my daughters are just a couple of years younger than you, but sounds like we are traveling a similar path of treatments. I too just started Xeloda and finished my second week. My oncologist started me with 2 tabs each morning and night (1,000 mg each am & pm) for one week on then one week off. This 2nd week he bumped it up to 2 in am and 3 pm. I think we are working towards 3 tablets each am and pm, but seeing how I tolerate this drug. So far so good, no real significant side effects. I too have been blogging all along since my diagnosis in 2011. I thought life was peachey when that year ended, and I got out of it with chemo, then lumpectomy, then radiation; only to come down with heart failure in 2013. And that was partially blamed on one of my chemo drugs, and my family genetics. But it all changed this March when diagnosed with Liver MBC. And actually it started in April 2015 when changes were noticed at my surgery site but found only to be a fatty necrosis - no cancer. And that was after several mammos, ultrasounds, and a couple biopsies. They watched me like a hawk for several months. It wasn't until I went to the ER this past February for excruciating low back pain, thought to be a kidney stone - which I've never had. The scan done there came back with a dozen lesions on my liver "consistent with MBC" -- that was certainly a shocker. I had been taking Letrozole to zero out my estrogen (ER+ BC for me) for 5 years and we had just decided to continue another 5. So here I am on this roller coaster, being told I am so brave, like you, and just taking it one day at time, inch by inch. Hang in there girl. Looks like you have a beautiful family and a strong faith. Keep on doing what you're doing. And thanks so much for sharing it all. If interested, you can find me on FB as Debbie Dallara Emery and my Blog is here: