Embrace the Suck
I had treatment #30 on Wednesday and met with my oncologist. The lumpectomy went well...and the great news is that the margins were clear which means...they were able to remove the entire tumor, and it did not appear to be spreading. Thanks Shelly for hanging with my all day! I just wanted to take a proud moment and share this with you all. This is my 16 year old son for his speech class final. My video got cut off because I ran out of space on my phone.. At the end, he mentions that Metavivor give 100% of their donations to Metastatic Breast Cancer Research. And then I whispered into the phone how much I love this kid. Stupid phone! But Levi gave me a new quote...Embrace the Suck!! https://youtu.be/RxDplErJIbY Also, check out this link to a video blog my Oncologist at IU Health Simon Cancer Center shared before Mother's Day. In it she shared my blog post "Their Youth is Ours" about being a mother with Stage IV Breast Cancer. I feel so fort...