Chemo Was Mean To My Nails

     We all know that chemotherapy causes hair loss, but did you know that it also affects your nails?  Many patients are often surprised by the effects some chemotherapy drugs have on their fingernails and toenails. The good news is that this doesn’t occur with every type of chemotherapy, and it doesn't necessarily happen to everyone. 
      So what happens? Chemotherapy tends to cause the nail beds to become discolored. Nails often become brittle and dry causing them to break and crack easily.  As you can see on the right, this is happening to me. Five of my finger nails have starting cracking much lower than I would like. They get caught on everything, and I can't scratch, which makes my skin itch all over just thinking about it!
     Lines can also develop in the nail related to each cycle of chemotherapy. Beau's lines occur as you nail temporarily stops growing. The lines then grow out with you nail. You can sort of see some faint white lines in my nails in this picture. 
     I do feel fortunate though, some people can experience nail loss where the nails eventually lift completely off the nail beds!  Sounds awful...I'll deal with the breaks and invest in a good back scratcher. :)

Today was Treatment #9.  I was able to stay in town for today's infusions.  My awesome sister-in-law Brandi came to hang out with me. So lucky to have her in my life.  


any chemotherapy patients face side effects from treatment that are unexpected. One such side effect is changes to the fingernails and toenails. This side effect doesn’t occur with every type of chemotherapy, nor does it occur with every patient. However, those that face this side effect find it challenging and often just as horrifying as hair loss.Nail changes take the forms of lines on the nail, discoloration of the nail bed, and brittleness. Some people experience nail loss where the nail lifts completely off the nail bed. Dry cuticles are common. It’s very important to take care of the hands and feet, including the nails, during chemotherapy. These areas are prone to infection and are often forgotten in the myriad list of chemotherapy side effects.

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any chemotherapy patients face side effects from treatment that are unexpected. One such side effect is changes to the fingernails and toenails. This side effect doesn’t occur with every type of chemotherapy, nor does it occur with every patient. However, those that face this side effect find it challenging and often just as horrifying as hair loss.Nail changes take the forms of lines on the nail, discoloration of the nail bed, and brittleness. Some people experience nail loss where the nail lifts completely off the nail bed. Dry cuticles are common. It’s very important to take care of the hands and feet, including the nails, during chemotherapy. These areas are prone to infection and are often forgotten in the myriad list of chemotherapy side effects.

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Many chemotherapy patients face side effects from treatment that are unexpected. One such side effect is changes to the fingernails and toenails. This side effect doesn’t occur with every type of chemotherapy, nor does it occur with every patient. However, those that face this side effect find it challenging and often just as horrifying as hair loss.Nail changes take the forms of lines on the nail, discoloration of the nail bed, and brittleness. Some people experience nail loss where the nail lifts completely off the nail bed. Dry cuticles are common. It’s very important to take care of the hands and feet, including the nails, during chemotherapy. These areas are prone to infection and are often forgotten in the myriad list of chemotherapy side effects.

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Many chemotherapy patients face side effects from treatment that are unexpected. One such side effect is changes to the fingernails and toenails. This side effect doesn’t occur with every type of chemotherapy, nor does it occur with every patient. However, those that face this side effect find it challenging and often just as horrifying as hair loss.Nail changes take the forms of lines on the nail, discoloration of the nail bed, and brittleness. Some people experience nail loss where the nail lifts completely off the nail bed. Dry cuticles are common. It’s very important to take care of the hands and feet, including the nails, during chemotherapy. These areas are prone to infection and are often forgotten in the myriad list of chemotherapy side effects.

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  1. Většina rakovin prostaty jsou adenokarcinomy, rakoviny, které se vyskytují v žlázových buňkách epiteliální tkáně prostaty. Rakoviny prostaty obvykle postupují pomalu a v počátečních stádiích nevyvolávají žádné příznaky. Nakonec se nádor může zvětšit stejně jako použití miny, prostaty, přitlačení na močovou trubici a způsobení bolestivé nebo časté močení a krve v moči. Takže jsem byl s touto rakovinou prostaty tak nepříjemný, pak jsem se rozhodl udělat online hledání toho, jak vyléčit rakovinu, protože jsem si hodně přečetl o bylinném léku, narazil jsem na mnoho svědectví o tom, jak doktor Itua vyléčí HIV / herpes, pak Rakovina byla uvedené pod komentářem. S odvahou jsem kontaktoval doktora Ituu a poslal mi jeho bylinné léky prostřednictvím kurýrní služby, pak mě požádali, abych si ho vyzvedl na své poště, což jsem rychle udělal. Kontaktoval jsem doktora Ituu, že jsem obdržel bylinné léky, takže mě poučil o tom, jak ho pít tři týdny, a tak doktor Itua bylinné medicíny vyléčí můj karcinom prostaty. Léčba trvá tři týdny a byl jsem úplně vyléčen. Dr. Itua je bůh poslaný a děkuji mu každý den mého života. Kontaktujte ho nyní na: E-mail: Whatsapp: +2348149277967.
    Vypsal, že dokáže také vyléčit následující nemoci níže ... Mozkové amidy. Rakovina plic, rakovina mozku, rakovina jícnu, rakovina žlučníku, gestační trofoblastická choroba, rakovina hlavy a krku, Hodgkinův lymfom, střevní rakovina, rakovina ledvin, leukémie, rakovina jater, melanom, mezoteliom, mnohočetný myelom, neuroendokrinní nádory, Hodgkinův lymfom, rakovina ústní dutiny, Rakovina vaječníků, rakovina sinusů, sarkom měkkých tkání, rakovina páteře, rakovina žaludku, rakovina semenníků, rakovina krku, rakovina štítné žlázy, rakovina dělohy, rakovina vaginální, rakovina vulvární. Alzheimerova choroba, autismus, spalničky, tetanus, černý kašel, tuberkulóza, detská obrna a adrenokortikální karcinom. Alma, rakovina dělohy, rakovina prsu, alergická onemocnění. Rakovina ledvin, Love Spell, Glaukom., Katarakta, Makulární degenerace, Kardiovaskulární onemocnění, Plícní onemocnění.Zamčená prostata, Osteoporóza.Generalizovaná dermatitida, Alzheimerova nemoc, Mozkový nádor, Lupus, Rakovina endomertilu, cerebrovaskulární choroby
    Demence. Kolorektální karcinom, loterijní kouzlo, rakovina močového měchýře, rakovina kůže, rakovina vaječníků, rakovina pankreatu, HIV / AIDS, nádor na mozku, herpes, non-Hodgkinův lymfom, zánětlivé onemocnění střev, Copd, cukrovka, hepatitida


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